About Us
Instructor and Contact Information
Welcome to our site! CCCAonline was developed by Dr. Laurie Mueller, author of the role determination study used by FCLB to develop the CCCA guidelines and peer-reviewer for CCCA testing! We are professional educators and content experts proudly PACE-approved and co-sponsored and by the University of Western States. Watch for Dr. Laurie's regular column in The American Chiropractor magazine's CA supplement.
FCLB: Questions about the application and testing process for CCCA certification can be answered on the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards website. FCLB contact information is also available there. Our program is PACE approved through the University of Western States and satisfies the training requirement. We are an education/training site (we do not do the certifying, we train and provide you with a verification of that training), FCLB is the testing site (two different sites, two different processes/fees) Click here for the FCLB Website.
Laurie Mueller, BA, DC, CFMP: Dr. Laurie served in private practice in San Diego, California. She was the post-graduate director at Palmer College from 2000-2010; served as the ACC Post Graduate subcommittee chair for 6 years; and peer reviewed for the Research Agenda Conference. She currently works as a private eLearning consultant with a focus on healthcare topics and functional medicine through her company, Impact Writing Solutions LLC and is the creator of CCCAonline, FxMedOnline and various state association sites. She is a clinician, an educator and an expert in online educational pedagogy and has been a pioneer in the efforts to create quality CCCA programming and increase standards of excellence in chiropractic to include CA's. Dr. Mueller welcomes questions and inquiries. She can be reached at the following contacts:
eMail: drmuelleronline@yahoo.com Cell: 309-791-2421
Henry Mueller, BS, DC, FACO, IFMCP: Dr. Henry held a priviate pratice in Detroit, MI and has worked in chiropractic education as a faculty clinician for over 25 years at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA. He earned a diplomate in chiropractic orthopedics and is a certificant of the prestigious Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP) designmation from the Institute for Functional Medicine. He is a professional educator, is active on the post-graduate speaking circuit, and at CCCAonline he serves as our interactivity developer and expert in physiotherapy modalities.
More information about our syllabus and policies can be found under the 'Syllabus & Policies' tab.
Welcome to our site! CCCAonline was developed by Dr. Laurie Mueller, author of the role determination study used by FCLB to develop the CCCA guidelines and peer-reviewer for CCCA testing! We are professional educators and content experts proudly PACE-approved and co-sponsored and by the University of Western States. Watch for Dr. Laurie's regular column in The American Chiropractor magazine's CA supplement.
FCLB: Questions about the application and testing process for CCCA certification can be answered on the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards website. FCLB contact information is also available there. Our program is PACE approved through the University of Western States and satisfies the training requirement. We are an education/training site (we do not do the certifying, we train and provide you with a verification of that training), FCLB is the testing site (two different sites, two different processes/fees) Click here for the FCLB Website.

eMail: drmuelleronline@yahoo.com Cell: 309-791-2421

More information about our syllabus and policies can be found under the 'Syllabus & Policies' tab.